This game was made in only a few days for the "GMTK 2024" game jam.

How To Play

Gain calories, grow bigger as you stay still but burn calories and get smaller when you move.  You can also gain calories by eating the food. Grow too big and you'll explode. Shrink to small and you'll waste away

Keyboard Controls

Move Left/Right:  Left Arrow and Right Arrow OR 'A' Key and 'D' Key
Jump: Up Arrow OR 'W' Key
Dash: Down Arrow OR 'S' Key

Gamepad Controls

Move Left/Right:  Left Stick Left/Right OR D-Pad Left/Right
Jump: Left Stick Up OR D-Pad Up
Dash: Left Stick Down OR D-Pad Down

Note: The game also works on mobile devices. You will be prompted for touch controls at the beginning of the game.

Platforming Mechanics

"Calorie Climb" utilises platforming mechanics such as coyote timejump buffer and variable jump height. The combination of these mechanics adds to the overall feel for the game improving the user experience. I continuously make improvements to this player controller with each game jam.

Coyote Time: 

If walking off an edge, there is a split second where you can still jump mid-air.

Jump Buffer:

If you press the jump key a split second before you hit the ground, it will still register as a jump. The key press will be remembered so that when you land on the ground, the jump will be performed.

Variable Jump Height: 

The longer you hold the jump key, the higher you jump. 


Developed for "GMTK 2024"

Theme: Built To Scale (17/Aug/2024 - 21/Aug/2024)

Developed with Unity.


Ultimate Sound FX Bundle
Concerto - By David KBD

Check out my dream metroidvania game on my Youtube channel:


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Very interesting game idea. Very well suited to the theme of the game jam. As you mentioned, you'll be working on this game until 21 August, for 96 hours. I've only tested 3 levels, but they showed the potential of your concept. Good work! 

If you want to test back our game for the GMTKGame Jam 2024 : Feed The Beast. Feedbacks are appreciated too. 

Thanks for playing, looks like we both made growing/shrinking games for our entries. Will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with